Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Don't Take My Wife...Please

     Monsters are real.  They lurk amongst you, in darkness, in shadow, in the workplace.  In Mexican folklore they tell tales of a particularly slimy creature.  He comes to those who do not treat their wives with the love and respect that they deserve.   A monster  that will slither his way into your home, and enter the coital bed when you are away.  They call this menace the Sancho.  You may not believe what I'm telling you, but I know it's true, for I was the victim of this skeezy abomination.  The Sancho came for my wife one fateful evening, and a few times thereafter as well.  The smell of disappointment and resentment  attracted him, like chum attracts a school of ravenous sharks.  Much like those sharks, Sancho made quick work of my wife, feasting on her desperation and desires as if they were in short supply.  I was never offered the grace of an in person revelation of this tragedy, but rather had to find out through the world's ugly face found at the palm of my hand.  Sancho won't just fuck your wife, sometimes he will elect to penetrate your soul, your manhood, your pride.  As I stared down at the glowing screen that is the face of humanity's worst qualities I found Sancho starring right back, his grin sadistic and full of hubris.  My wife was by his side in this awful portrait of betrayal, smiling like she hadn't since the day she convinced herself that I was going to be the one.  The beams of internet light stabbed my eyes as I tried to process a picture I never could fathom.  Rage, sadness, curiosity all flooded my cortex.  I had no idea where to start.  Do I call her?  Do I fuck the next willing genitals with legs?  Do I cry, scream, laugh?  How about all of it?  I took the coward's way out and lubricated my psyche with Early Times whisky and PBR. 

I spent the next week trying to duct tape my pain to my guts with euphemisms like, "Fuck her, she deserves that piece of shit." and "I won't give those two the satisfaction of a meltdown, that's what she'd love, to have complete control, she won't get it!".  The dam I built would prove faulty, as it leaked rage all over every one who batted an eyeball at me.  I decided to "man up" and face this monster.  I was  Cuck Helsing on his way to slay the creature who had sucked my love dry of all her juices!

Sancho had been spotted hawking popcorn to movie goers at the local Cineplex.  That's where I would make my move.  I spent my short lunch shift at Buffalo Wild Wings stewing over my plan of attack.  As soon as I punched that clock I was in full on kill-mode.  I parked my shitty little Nissan behind the theater near the exit, in the event that a hasty escape would be needed.  

I wasted no time on strategy, and burst out of my car, darted toward the door as if Sancho's buttery salty popcorn dick would penetrate my ass if I missed a step.  My lover's scorned fervor was quickly halted when I looked up from the glass door and locked eyes with my prey.  We stared only for a blink, but it was enough to unleash yet another deluge of thoughts unto my brain; "What if I kill this man?", "What if he kills me", "Will they call the cops?", "Is my son gonna get hurt?".  I quickly scurried to the nearest bench and sunk myself deep into its cold slats.  I was only there for minutes, but it felt like days, then from around the corner, the monster appeared in grand WWE fashion.  His strut was only missing pyro and sweet generic metal guitar licks when he made his way over to me, balls to face. 
"You got a problem man?". 
I said nothing.

 "This is my work, you can't come up in here looking to start shit!"

 I didn't look at him, but mustered the strength to ask,

 "Were you fucking my wife while we were still together?" 

Sancho's bravado dulled a bit, and with a slight twinge of sympathy he said no.  It was almost, for a brief second, a glimmer of humanity and remorse.  Then I gave him what could be best described as a timid push, my hands more sinking into, rather than shoving his supple breasts.  "Don't do that bro!" Sancho pointed his little sausage of a finger that I assumed smelled of the vaginal fluids of other wives he had collected. 

"Fuck you, you wife fucking pussy!  Do somthing!",

 and as I let these foolish words slip from my mouth I raised my arms into the air like a stumpy Jesus welcoming sacrifice.  I was a beautiful target.

Sancho's first offering struck true, and landed right in my dumb face. I staggered back clumsily, stunned just long enough for him to pull my silly chicken boy uniform over my head.  Sancho let it rain bones.  I was able to slip away, and Sancho relented his attack.  I spit some blood out, along with what I think were a few popcorn kernels.

We both didn't know what to do next.  Sobriety was setting in fast and we both kind of panicked.  He started toward the entrance of the theater, but before he got to the door I said, "Just take care of her dude."  Sancho paused, looked at me and replied, "Pay your own child support bitch."  Then slinked off into the buttery abyss.

No, We Do Hit the Kids Enough...Too Much In Fact

"They wouldn't act like that if the parents gave em a smack!", dribbles from the mouths of your typical know it all back seat parent and or child abuser when in the presence of children who may be unruly.  You're right sicko, they wouldn't act like children if you smacked them, they would act like the victim of abuse; introverted, angry, confused, and seeking an unhealthy outlet for the rage they now feel because of your "parenting" style.  Violence engrained in the most delicate portion of our species is violence perpetuated by posterity unto the next generation. 
     I don't understand why a good majority of people I meet are under the impression that kids don't get hit anymore, when all those people and the people before them and so on where all struck as children themselves.  When looking at the dysfunctional cluster fuck that is the human race, I can't help but wonder if that is the one giant variable we overlook when questioning why the human condition hasn't really changed for the better.  Most of our major hang ups stem from violence, which comes in many forms.  The basis for this behavior is learned very early, when the mind is at its most malleable; If something is not as it should be, you may force it so by violent action.  A very simple example, if a kid is throwing a tantrum, slap them one in the mouth.  Then we wonder why these homunculus bar bros are pounding each other's faces in over an elbow nudge or a dirty look.  But it goes way deeper than that.  You have something I want, therefore I'll take it by force (violence is not always a physical act).  For example, a state covets the land and resources of another, so they take those by force.  Now Alex, that's a bit hyperbolic don't ya think?  Are you saying imperialism comes from giving Jr. a wrap on the ass when he won't shut up?  Common man!  I don't think so, no.  By hitting our children we are teaching them, "I want something, I get it, swiftly and without empathy."  "Yeah but I'm the parent, my child must learn respect, otherwise they'll become a bad person."  Maybe, but don't you think in order to teach respect we are better off showing children what it is, rather than exactly what it is not?  I'm not saying there should be no consequences for bad behavior, of course we should teach our children to be well mannered, but it seems very counter productive to show them that solving an issue through violence (even if that violence is verbal or psychological).  If a co-worker of mine is acting a fool at work, even if that co-worker is a subordinate, I can't hit them!  I'd go to jail possibly (depending on who it is I assault).  So why would you teach that method of problem solving to a child?  Now I understand that most states have tougher laws as it pertains to hitting children theses days (mostly fine as long as you don't leave a mark), but it's not the physical outcome of said violence that is the real damaging factor, it's the psychological one.